PolyLEVEL Van and Trailer
Quality 1st Basement Systems arrived with the PolyLEVEL van and trailer needed with all of the proper materials to get the concrete raising demonstration going.

Work Area
The sunken and settled concrete where the demonstration is taking place at the Executive Property Management offices.

Sunken Concrete
A further view of the work area. We can clearly see the sunken and settled concrete pavement that needs lifting.

Beginning of the Presentation
Sales Executive Glenn Zuhl of Quality 1st Contracting is ready to begin the PolyLEVEL demonstration.

A Helping Hand
Glenn Zuhl lends a helping hand to our Head PolyLEVEL Specialist Joe Nero when starting the demonstration.

Drilling Holes
Joe Nero begins to drill the quarter size holes so that he can use the specialized equipment and inject the polyurethane under the concrete to raise it back to its original height.

PolyLEVEL at its Finest
PolyLEVEL Specialist Joe Nero is ready to inject the polyurethane.

Concrete Raised
The once sunken and settled concrete at the offices of Executive Property Management is now leveled and raised to its original elevation.