Efflorescence all over the basement walls
Water can cause serious damage to your basement if gone untreated. Over time a musty smell and mold can develop creating an unhealthy environment for you and your family.

WaterGuard French Drain installed to keep the basement dry!
WaterGuard is installed above the floor joints out of the mud zone area so that dirt and mud wont get inside and clog the drain while it collects the water. The WaterGuard will direct the water down to the TripleSafe Sump Pump which will then pump it up and out of the basement.

Quality 1st crew installs TripleSafe Sump Pump
This TripleSafe Sump Pump has three pumps so that if the amount of water becomes to much for the first pump, a second one will turn on to help pump the water out. These two pumps together can remove up to 6,000 gallons of water within an hour. In case of a power outage, the third pump will then turn on to continue removing the water from the basement.

Discharge pipes installed
Quality 1st puts an IceGuard on the discharge pipe so that if the pipe freezes in the winter time, the water will have an alternative exit from the basement instead of flowing back through into the basement.