Water Damaged Basement Wall
Half the basement wall needed to be replaced due to water damage.

Basement Wall Demolition
The wall demolition of the water damaged basement walls.

Basement Perimeter Drain Installation
The WaterGuard being installed.

Digging out Perimeter for Drain
The floor dug out to install the WaterGuard.

Trench Dug on Perimeter of Basement Floor
A closer look at how the area for the WaterGuard looks before it is installed.

WaterGuard French Drainage System
The WaterGuard being installed.

New Basement Walls Installed
The new finished basement walls.

Basement Bathroom Wall Restoration
The bathroom walls also getting the walls restored.

Newly Finished Basement Bathroom
The new half of the bathroom walls finished.

New Sump Pump Installed
TripleSafe sump pump installed.

Prior to Basement Restoration
The walls before the restoration.