Old Sump Pump
The old pump is an eyesore and a hazard.

TripleSafe Sump Pump Installed
TripleSafe Sump Pump design is a big improvement over the previous "hole in the floor" pump that wasn't getting the job done. As you can see in this photo; it features an alarm that will beep in case the basement floods due to a pipe leak, it has a back-up battery in case power is lost and the air-tight dual lid allows for addition pipes to be run to it while still allowing easy access for maintenance to be provided.

WaterGuard Installation
WaterGuard is installed along perimeter of the basement to drain water seepage to the TripleSafe Sump Pump.

WaterGuard Installed
Here is a great picture of the WaterGuard perimeter drain installed. You can see how water can run down the basement wall and into the drainage system. Notice how easily our crew works around pipes and obstacles. The oval disc that you see by the wall is a service port that allows for our service technicians to inspect the drainage system and also clean it of any debris that may collect over time. This ensures that your waterproofing system works at top performance.

IceGuard Installed
IceGuard discharge line system is installed to prevent the line from freezing all the way back into the basement. Even if the discharge line were to freeze, our IceGuard product allows for water still to be pumped out of your basement.