Old Sump Pump
The old sump pump was an ugly and dangerous hole in the basement floor.

Water Leaks in Basement
Water stains the basement floor.

Trench Drain Installation in Progress
The Trench Drain is installed around the water heater.

Trench Drain Installed
Installing the Trench Drain around the existing water heater avoids the issue of having to move it while providing an answer to keeping the area dry.

TripleSafe Sump Pump & Ultra Pump
TripleSafe Sump Pump is three pumps in one and insures the basement will be dry. Ultra Pump is a battery back-up system that keeps the system going even during extended power outages.

WaterGuard Installed
WaterGuard installs easily around corners.

WaterGuard Inspection Port
WaterGuard is fully installed around the room and a WaterGuard Inspection Port is in place for easy access.

IceGuard Drain
The IceGuard Drainage System prevents ice and snow from blocking the system.