Large Cracks in the Exterior Foundation Wall
Jeff noticed right away the large stair-step cracking in the foundation of the home. This was a big sign of foundation settlement and so he declared this foundation to be very unstable.

Window Cracks
Due to the foundation settlement, the windows and doors stopped operating properly. Doors would begin to get stuck at times and window glass began to crack from the window shifting with the foundation movement.

Our Team Preparing Installation
Project Manager, Jonathan, and his team prepared each Helical Pier to be installed into the sections near the foundation.

Six Helical Piers
Six Helical Piers were installed to stable this homes foundation.

Advantages of Helical Piers
1. Helix blade shape disturbs less soil and advances much deeper than a non-helix shaped system. 2. This installation does not require the use of heavy equipment and installation is less invasive to the area around the home. 3. As a below-grade solution, it's concealed from sight.

Helical Piers near Foundation
Once the Helical Piers are secured and the foundation is stabilized, the Piers are then covered and sealed out of sight.

Cracks are Sealed
When the Helical Piers are secured and the foundation is brought back towards its original position, the foundation cracks are sealed to prevent damage such as chipping.