2 inches of Settlement
Concrete Repair Specialist, Andy G., measured roughly 2 inches of settlement around the pool area.

Dangerous Trip Hazards
When concrete slabs sink they create an uneven path which are trip hazards. The concrete sinks because the soil beneath it is too weak to support the weight of the slab.

Our team stabilized the concrete by drilling small penny-size holes into each slab. Using special equiptment, PolyLevel foam is injected below the slab to fill the void. Polylevel expands and hardens to raise and stabilize the slab permanently.

Lifting & Leveling
Within just 15 minutes of completion, these slabs could be walked on or driven over creating no disturbance around your pool.

Leveled Pool Area
Our concrete lifting and leveling team was able to create a safe environment around the pool area by removing all the trip hazards.