Old Sump Pump Staten Island, NY
Discolorations around the pump show its not getting all the water out of the basement. The open design is a hazard to small children and pets.

TripleSafe Sump Pump Staten Island, NY
The TripleSafe Sump Pump is a fully covered pump that will work three times harder than the old pump and keep the basement dry for years to come.

IceGuard Staten Island, NY
IceGuard hides in the garden and will work all winter to keep the system working.

Down Spout Mistake in Staten Island, NY
Letting the water drain right next to the basement wall invites the moisture back into the Staten Island, NY basement.

LawnScape Extension Staten Island, NY
The extension of the LawnScape outlet allows the water to flow away from this Staten Island, NY home.

Extending the Line Staten Island, NY
Extending the line so the water drains away from this Staten Island, NY home gives the basement a better chance to stay dry.

LawnScape Extension Complete Staten Island, NY
LawnScape is in place and will now direct water away from this Staten Island, NY home.

Outlet Drain Staten Island, NY
The crew lays out the outline drain for installation.

Outlet in Staten Island, NY
The outlet for the TripleSafe Sump Pump is directed away from the home.