WaterGuard Catching Water from Walls and Floors
The WaterGuard installed in the homeowner's basement sits on top of the footing of the house that way the drain can collect water coming through the walls and floors without clogging like other French drains that are installed in the "mud zone." A layer of concrete is spread over the WaterGuard so it is hidden under the concrete floor.

IceGuard Draining Water in All Weather
The IceGuard protects the discharge line from freezing during winter months and blocking the drain, leaving the basement flooded. IceGuard is designed to give water extra escape routes.

Everlast Window is Secure and Tight
An Everlast Window was installed looking in towards the homeowner's basement. Everlast Windows lock on tight to prevent leaks from the outside.

Window Well to Capture Debris
The SunHouse Window Well captures dirt and debris so it does not collect in the homeowner's house. It protects the house from getting leaks from strong rains and prevents pests like rodents and insects from coming in. Additionally, it allows for more light to enter through the window.