Cracked & Bowing Wall in Bridgewater, NJ
When the homeowner saw that their basement wall was severely cracked and bowing, they knew that they needed to take action.

CarbonArmor Installed by Quality 1st Basements
The CarbonArmor® System includes flexible carbon fiber fabric straps that are up to 10 times stronger in tension than steel. Using high strength epoxy resin, the carbon fiber straps are bonded to the interior face of the wall. The straps will stabilize the wall.

GeoLock Chanel Anchor System Stabilizes Bowing Wall-Bridgewater, NJ
GeoLock® Channel Anchors are a versatile and effective method of stabilizing walls that are pushing in at the top or bottom, bowing, or tipping.

The Installation Of The WallAnchor System by Quality 1st Basements
To install channel anchors, we begin by boring holes in the yard for earth anchors and drilling corresponding holes in the foundation. After this, we restore your landscaping and basement to the state we found them in.

Installation Of Wall Anchor System, Continued-Bridgewater, NJ
Galvanized steel earth anchors are installed and steel rods are joined to them through the wall. The channel anchor is then mounted on the other end of the rod inside your foundation wall, secured to the floor, and tightened into place. This will permanently stabilize your wall and could return it to its original condition.