Sinking Driveway Slabs
Sinking slabs on this concrete driveway are a hazard that will only get worse if ignored.

Sinking Concrete Slabs
Quality 1st Basement Systems can fix your sinking outdoor concrete problems so you can enjoy your driveway safely once again.

Separating Slabs
When the slabs in this Burlington driveway started sinking, separations like this one caused people to trip and fall.

Sealing Gaps
Separations and gaps in concrete can be sealed.

Broken Concrete
The crew removes the broken concrete and readies the area for new concrete.

New Concrete
The Quality 1st crew installed new concrete to replace the broken section of the driveway.

Cracking Driveway Slabs
Cracks in concrete slabs are warning signs of shifting soil beneath the driveway. If not addressed, these cracks will get worse.

Cracks Sealed
Cracks sealed by the Quality 1st crew! Now this driveway is safe to walk on.

Finished Driveway
After PolyLEVEL, this Burlington driveway is now leveled, even and safe.