Wet Basement
When our team began drilling small holes into the foundation, water started poring out. This was a shock to the homeowner because they never realize how much was actually being stored.

Existing Sump Pump System
The existing system had failed due to lack of maintenance.

Keeping water out of an entry way can be difficult but not when you have a TrenchDrain! The grated opening collects water and directs them straight to the sump pump through the WaterGuard System.

WaterGuard & TripleSafe Sump Pump
We installed our french drain system known as WaterGuard on the footing of the foundation to prevent mud or rocks from clogging the drain. Water is easily collected from the ground and the wall and directed right to the sump pump system.

Discharge Line
We install a discharge line roughly 10 to 20 feet away from the homes foundation to prevent recycled water.

When pipes freeze in the winter time, we see a lot of basements flood because the water has no where to go and flows back into the basement over working the pump. We recommend our IceGuard because its an alternative exit for water if the discharge line in the ground freezes.