Uneven Porch in Windsor, NJ
This outdoor porch had several sinking slab tiles. It was uneven, and not safe.

Trip Hazard Concrete Porch in Windsor
Uneven concrete is a trip hazard. The homeowners wanted to fix this so they could have parties outside on their porch.

Sinking Concrete Porch
The concrete was slowly sinking into the ground. It needs something underneath to stabilize it, simply replacing the concrete will not help.

Concrete Porch Lifted in Windsor
PolyLEVEL works like magic. It is a foam injected underneath the slab, lifting it back up into place.

Leveled Concrete Windsor, NJ Porch
This porch is now ready to host parties and BBQs. It is level and stable. PolyLEVEL dries fast and can be walked on in about a half hour!

PolyLEVEL Finished the Job
If you have a sinking sidewalk, driveway or patio, PolyLEVEL can fix it!