Unfinished Basement in Port Reading, NJ
This family in Port Reading, NJ had a cold unfinished basement. The entire family hated being in the area, since it was dark and chilly.

Cold Basement in Port Reading
The unfinished concrete basement floor was cold and the walls were unattractive stone. The homeowner called Quality 1st Basement Systems to help make their basement liveable.

ZenWall Basement Panels
Quality 1st Basement Systems installed ZenWall basement panels. ZenWall has built in insulation that will keep the basement warm and save the family on their energy bills.

ThermalDry Basement Flooring
The basement floor is now brightened up with ThermalDry basement flooring! ThermalDry is waterproof, will never grow mold or rot, so it is perfect to install under a washing machine.

Warm Basement ThermalDry Carpet
ThermalDry basement flooring comes in five different colors, including two carpets. The carpet is warm and comfortable, since ThermalDry is raised from the cold concrete floor.

A Comfortable, Liveable Port Reading Basement
The homeowner loves their new basement floors and walls! The basement is much warmer now and is very comfortable.