Thanks To Our Specially Formulated PolyLevel Foam This Walkway Is Entirely Stabilized
This surface is guaranteed to handle any future indications of settlement.

We Have Helped To Defeat Those Pesky Potential Safety Liabilities
No homeowner wants to continuously spend their own precious time worrying about the dangers of tripping hazards surrounding their backyard.

Look How Safe And Inviting This Poolside Patio Appears
Now this owner can rest easily knowing their backyard patio is completely fortified.

Now We Understand The Main Culprit Of A Structural Decline On The Surface Is Soil
When a heavy concrete slab is poured around the pool, loose soil will often compress under the slab's weight, causing portions of the concrete to crack, sink, or settle.

Poorly Deposited Soil Is The Most Common Cause Of Sunken Slabs
The backfill soil that's added around the pool excavation will not be as well-compacted as the undisturbed soil farther from the pool ultimately leading to surfaces becoming completely disheveled.