This Patio Is Stabilized For The Foreseeable Future
PolyLevel provides the surface with much needed fortification by not only lifting the settled slabs but by filling in any voids left beneath from poorly deposited soil.

NexusPro Is Specially Formulated To Withstand Possible Erosion
This powerful product is ultraviolet resistant as well as being waterproof.

Settlement Is Very Common, Luckily PolyLevel Is The Perfect Solution.
Sometimes, the combined weight of concrete and what it supports causes concrete settlement to occur.

Let's Help To Transform This Unsafe And Uninviting Walkway
Our knowledgeable team of concrete repair professionals will assist in renovating and successfully strengthening this patio.

Unsafe Walking Conditions Will Soon Be A Worry Of The Past
With the help of PolyLevel and NexusPro we will eliminate pesky tripping hazards for good.