TripleSafe Sump Pump with UltraSump Backup
This home was equipped with our extra powerful TripleSafe Sump Pump for triple protection from water overflow. Our UltraSump Battery Backup was paired with this system to keep the system running even in the event of a power outage.

WaterGuard Perimeter Drain
Our WaterGuard draining system is a reliable solution to redirecting water away from your basement and into the sump pump. Installed below the floor and above the foundation footing, this channel will stay clear of mud to allow free flow of water through it, keeping it out of sight.

TrenchDrain Grated Drain
Our TrenchDrain allows a larger opening for water acceptance in areas of the basement that may have a heavier water volume intake, or areas with other essential home machinery, like hot water heaters, that you really want to make sure stay dry. This installation is an extra measure of water protection for this home and provides even more peace of mind.

Waterproofing Exterior Weak Points
This bilco door was suffering from the water findings its way through its structure, easily finding its way to overflow the basement. Concrete erosion and regular wear and tear of the materials weaken basement doors and allow greater chance of water getting in.

New Bilco Doors
There are infinite possibilities of ways that water can make its way into your basement. Poorly structured exterior doors can be an easy target for water flow, which is why we offer new bilco door installations to seal off any water entrances when the doors are closed.