Before Window Well Installation
Our crew digs a large hole in the exterior of the home that will serve to be the safety exit out of the basement. This below-ground installation features a new window that will be placed in the basement's wall so that it is big enough to accommodate people escaping through it.

Window Well Wall
The walls of our window wells are strong, waterproof, and rot-proof. They are installed with built-in safety ladders, and the hole our crew dug is backfilled with gravel and soil.

Complete Installation
Once the egress window is installed, the well that our crew dug is backfilled with soil to level it with the ground and seal the new wall in place. Our walls are strong enough to withstand the pressure of soil and keep water out of the well.

Window Well Cover
Our polycarbonate well covers are designed to keep debris out while still allowing sunlight in. Covering the egress window with this cover, the window well can stay clean, waterproof, and accessible.

Complete Egress Window Installation
After our crew completed their work, this basement was left with a beautiful window installation and a safe escape route in an event of an emergency.