Old Sump Pump in Morris County, NJ
The old sump pump was not keeping this basement dry the way it was supposed to! The homeowner called Quality 1st Basement Systems for a reliable basement waterproofing system.

WaterGuard Basement Drain
A basement specialist knew just how to fix the leaking water in this basement! He suggested an internal basement drain.

Basement Drain Installation in Morristown
The WaterGuard basement drain was installed inside of the basement. It collects water and drains it to a sump pump.

No Frozen Pipes!
To prevent the drainage pipes from freezing, Quality 1st Basement Systems installed an IceGuard anti-freeze system.

Lowered Basement Relative Humidity
The relative humidity in this basement will be lowered with the SaniDry dehumidifier.

A Reliable Sump Pump
Even if the power goes out, this sump pump has a built in battery back up to keep it running.

Waterproofed Basement in Morristown
After installation, the internal basement drain was covered with a layer of concrete.