Before The Waterproofing Process Began
Our system design specialist carried out a thorough inspection on the home, to supply the owner with the most reliable and long lasting repair approach.

The Initial Start Of Installing WaterGuard
The team begins the installation by drilling weep holes and digging a trench along the perimeter of the basement.

During WaterGuard Install
Next step requires the crew to carefully lower WaterGuard into the trench.

During WaterGuard Install
Before WaterGuard is concealed with a layer of cement we cover the system in clean washed stone to protect from debris.

WaterGuard Fully Installed
This unique French drain is specially designed to be installed below the floor slab, resting on top of the foundation footing. This keeps the drainage system out of the "mud zone", where drains can clog.

The grated opening of this system is designed to accept water from the floor, where it's then redirected to the owners perimeter drain and sump pump.

TripleSafe Sump Pump System
The ⅓ hp primary pump can discharge 2,220 gallons of water per hour at an 8-foot head, while the ½ hp secondary pump can discharge as much as 3,900 additional gallons of water per hour at an 8-foot head. In the case of a tripped circuit, power outage, or sump failure, TripleSafe's UltraSump Battery Backup System will kick in. Providing this owner with the ultimate defense against water intrusions!