Before The Repair Initially Began
Our system design specialist thoroughly inspects the home to deliver the owner with the most reliable solution. We were able to determine due to cracks in the foundation, water was seeping into the basement during heavy rainfall.

During WaterGuard
The crew installs this system by digging a trench along the perimeter of the space, weep holes are drilled, WaterGuard is carefully lowered in, and surrounded with clean washed stone and a layer of cement to protect from debris.

During WaterGuard
This specially crafted French drain is specifically designed to be installed below the floor slab, resting on top of the foundation footing. This keeps the drainage system out of the "mud zone", where drains can clog.

After WaterGuard
The WaterGuard system will effectively collect water that seeps through the owners basement walls and directly drain it towards the sump pump.

TripleSafe Fully In Place
TripleSafe provides a space with three levels of defense against water intrusions! This system has a powerful, cast-iron Zoeller ⅓ horsepower sump pump set at the lowest level. For heavy volumes of water or in case of primary pump failure, a second, more powerful Zoeller ½ hp pump set a bit higher in the liner will take over. In case of a power outage, our UltraSump battery backup sump pump, set at the highest level, will pump 11,500 gallons or more on a fully charged battery!

A Dry And Healthy Basement
With WaterGuard and TripleSafe installed we have fully waterproofed this space, allowing the owner to safely enjoy their newly reinforced storage space!