In order to offer the owner with the most effective repair strategy, first our system design specialist must examine the area.

During WaterGuard Install
To begin installing this powerful drainage system, our team digs a trench along the perimeter of the room before drilling weep holes to release any built up water.

Installing WaterGuard
After the trench is dug, the crew securely installs WaterGuard, then it is covered in clean washed stone before being concealed with a layer of cement.

WaterGuard Fully In Place
This unique drain is specifically crafted to be installed under the floor slab, resting directly on top of the foundation footing. This keeps the drainage system out of the "mud zone", where drains are known to clog with debris.

Preventing flooding from an outer entryway such as a hatchway, garage door, or doorway should remain a top priority. In this particular case our crew installs TrenchDrain Grated Draining Pipe to span the opening and prevent water from flowing into the space. The grated opening of this system is designed to accept water from the floor, where it's then redirected towards the perimeter drain and sump pump.

This durable and high-performance sump pump delivers three levels of defense against water seepage, and with its backup power supply, water intrusions will be a worry of the past!