Sump Pump Installation
A progress photo of the installation of our TripleSafe sump pump system.

Our BriteWall system installed along the walls.

Weep holes were drilled after the trench was dug. Water then leaks through the foundation that was pent up behind it.

The trench around the perimeter was dug out to make way for the new drainage system.

Old Basement
A photo of the basement before the waterproofing project.

Sump Pump
The TripleSafe sump pump system was successfully installed and connected to the new drainage system, alongside a battery backup.

A wide-shot photo of what the basement now looks like!

The end of the discharge line, about to be buried.

Discharge Line
The beginning of the discharge line during installation. Any water collected by the interior system is expelled via this line.

Drainage System
Our WaterGuard drainage system was installed along the footer of the basement foundation.