Trench Drain
Trench drain was installed at the base of the basement stairway to collect water leaking down the stairs from the bilco doors.

Trench Drain
Trench drain was used in some areas as opposed to WaterGuard drainage system.

Sump Pump Installation
The drainage system and sump pump were being installed.

Drainage System Installation
A progress photo of the installation of our WaterGuard drainage system.

Drainage System Progress
A progress photo of the installation of our WaterGuard drainage system.

Drainage System
Our WaterGuard drainage system was installed along the footer of the basement foundation.

Window Well
One of the basement windows were known to be worn and extremely leaky, so our team installed a new window well!

The WaterGuard drainage system was successfully installed around the perimeter of the basement.

Waterproofing System
The WaterGuard drainage system was installed around the basement's perimeter.

Sump Pump
A photo of the successfully-installed TripleSafe sump pump system.