SmartJack Reinforcement System
Our SmartJack beams installed in the crawl space of this home are stable and specifically adjusted to straighten the sagging floors that hung above it. With steel support beams, this system is reliably strong to withstand the structure of the home, providing a permanent solution to any future foundation weaknesses.

Steel Beams and Joists
The materials of our SmartJack support system are extremely strong and made-up galvanized steel, meaning they won't corrode. With this quality and the adjustability of the system, this is a permanent repair installation for foundation problems.

Sinking Concrete Floor
Beneath the carpeting, this concrete foundation floor experienced inches of sinking, leaving a large gap between the floor and the wall. This kind of foundation damage can only worsen with time if not left unrepaired.

Raised Concrete Floor
With our PolyLevel injection, our crew was able to raise the sinking foundation floor to meet its original position.