Horizontal Cracks Toms River, NJ
Horizontal cracks are a sign of a bigger problem in the structure of the wall.

Horizontal Crack Toms River, NJ
This horizontal crack extends the length of the basement wall.

Damaged Wall Toms River, NJ
The crack extended the entire length of the wall in this Toms River home.

Wall Prep Toms River, NJ
Preparing the wall for CarbonArmor installation.

Carbon Armor Prep Work Toms River, NJ
The crew preps the wall for the application of CarbonArmor.

CarbonArmor Installed Toms River, NJ
Once installed, CarbonArmor will keep the wall supported.

CarbonArmor Toms River, NJ
Carbon fiber strips are a repair option if just the middle of the wall is bowing.