French Drain System Installed
Our team always installs our french drain system known as WaterGuard above the footing of the foundation. This will allow water to collect and flow into the system without collecting the dirt or rocks that could clog it or cause damage.

WaterGuard is installed and then covered with stone and cement so that the system can be easily hidden and out of site.

Sump Pump System
Our System Design Specialist recommended our TripleSafe Sump Pump System to direct the water out of the basement that was collected from the WaterGuard. The TripleSafe Sump Pump has three built-in sump pumps to provide the ultimate protection.

Alternative Exit
Outside, our crew installs IceGuard which provides an alternative exit for water if the discharge line freezes in the ground. Water can easily flow out the top and not become recycled water in the sump pump.