Is that Mold in the Basement?
The black marks on their basement walls had this homeowner worried about mold.

Dark and Damp Equals Mold?
Mold grows in dark, damp places. This homeowner worried that it was growing in their basement and called the waterproofing experts, Quality 1st Basement Systems for help.

Leaky Colts Neck Basement
This Colts Neck home was taking on water and the homeowner worried about mold.

Flood in Colts Neck Basement
The water seepage was getting worse in this Colts Neck home. It ruined a prime storage area and frustrated the homeowners. They called Quality 1st to waterproof the basement.

Damp Basement in Colts Neck
Water seeping into the basement of this Colts Neck home kept the basement damp. When the black spots started appearing on the wall the homeowner was very worried the basement was moldy.

Worried About Mold?
The constant water seepage in this Colts Neck basement was a breeding ground for mold. The homeowner called Quality 1st for help.

Basement Wall Repair
The walls of this basement are prepped for CarbonArmor, an affordable and reliable answer to wall stabilization.

Wall Stabilization in Colts Neck
CarbonArmor™ Wall Reinforcing System uses the same technology used to support bridges, skyscrapers and bomb shelters. It will stabilize basement walls that have sustained damage such as cracks and bowing.

CarbonArmor Stabilizes Basement Walls
CarbonArmor is a combination of high-strength epoxy resin and carbon fiber strap material.It is, pound for pound, stronger than steel and will stabilize the basement walls in this Colts Neck home.

Colts Neck Basement Wall Stabilization
CarbonArmor is placed at measured intervals around the basement walls to stabilize the foundation. It's a quick and affordable answer to basement wall problems.

CarbonArmor in Colts Neck
CarbonArmor is installed in this basement to stabilize the walls. Pound for pound, once installed, CarbonArmor is stronger than steel.

Stabilize Basement Walls
CarbonArmor is installed to stabilize the walls in this Colts Neck basement.

Bright, Clean Basment
BrightWall gives this basement a bright and clean appearance while helping to keep it dry.

A BrightWall Basement
BrightWall panels are a washable, durable answer to leaking basement walls. They brighten the basement while directing any seepage into the drainage system.

Basement Waterproofing in Colts Neck
BrightWall is 100% waterproof and washable. It creates a vapor barrier on your basement walls. BrightWall will direct water seepage into your perimeter drain.