Before Waterproofing
The homeowner was observing water leaking in through the floors and walls of the basement which worsened with heavy rains.

Installing WaterGuard Drains
WaterGuard is designed to be installed along the basement's perimeter, under the floor, and above the foundation footing. It is backfilled with rocks to allow water to flow into the drains.

Sealed Drainage System
WaterGuard Drains are sealed beneath the floor's surface with a layer of cement so that draining water is out of sight, out of mind!

TrenchLock Drains
TrenchLock Drain Inserts are placed in areas that need greater water acceptance, such as the base of this stairwell.

TripleSafe Waterproofing
With three pumps, the TripleSafe enhances the waterproofing performance of this basement and will prevent leaking water from flooding the space.