Crack in Basement Walls Repaired in Morganville, NJ
During the real estate transaction of the sale of this home, the home inspector pointed out cracks in the basement walls. The basement wall cracks were a result of hydrostatic pressure pushing the foundation wall inward. The seller was not able to sell the home without fixing the foundation. Upon inspection, Jessica Long found multiple foundation cracks, including horizontal and stairstep crack patterns. She also found that the basement wall was bowing up to 3/4" due to the hydrostatic pressure from the soil. The foundation of this home was comprimised and needed to be fixed so that the house could be sold as soon as possible.
Quality 1st Basement Systems installed CarbonArmor with ArmorLock to permanently stabilize the foundation wall. CarbonArmor is fastened to the wall by an epoxy bond. The CarbonArmor will counteract the hydrostatic pressure of the soil on the exterior of the foundation. The ArmorLock also prevents any tipping of the wall once secured which is often a problem with other bowing wall repairs. This foundation repair option covers all potential foundation issues which ensures that the future homeowner has the ultimate peace of mind.
The homeowner's felt that CarbonArmor was the best solution for their home because it is a very non-invasive procedure. The repair also restored their property value and stability of the home. CarbonArmor is fastened directly to the foundation walls so not to take up any additional basement space. CarbonAmor comes with a completely transferrable warranty which means that whoever purchases this home will be able to take advantage of the warranty. This property is now safely on the market with a great new selling point!
Project Summary
System Design Specialist: Jessica Long
Senior Foreman : Jonathan Neira