Declared Unstable
Senior Design Specialist, Ken Peare declared the foundation unstable after he noticed big settlement cracks and measured over 2 inches of downward movement.
Exterior Window Cracks
When the soil below the foundation becomes weak and can no longer hold the weight of the home, settling occurs. The home shifts causing cracks, bowing walls and sticking windows and doors.
Cracks become eye sores
These foundation cracks impact three things, your peace of mind, your quality of life and your biggest investment, your home. With the foundation settling, your home is now unstable which is dangerous for you and your family. You now have no peace of mind since you are worried how bad the problem is and will it get worse. Foundation problems will decrease the value of your home when it comes time to sell.
Push Pier
Steel Push Piers are used to lift the home back towards its original state, closing cracks and stabilizing the foundation.
Installation Begins
The soil is removed from the surrounding foundation's footing, where each pier will be installed. A specially engineered steel bracket is placed under the footing.
Push Pier Installation
Steel Push Pier sections are hydraulically driven through the bracket to stable soil layer. The weight of the home is transferred from the concrete foundation, through the steel bracket and piers, to the deep load-bearing soil.
Below-Grade Solution- Concealed from sight
Once the home is lifted and brought back towards its original position, the soil is back filled, the entire system is hidden from view and the home is permanently stabilized in its new position.
Cracks are Sealed
After the home is lifted and stabilized, the foundation no longer has cracks.