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A home in Scotch Plains, NJ had sinking steps outside of the home that were a dangerous trip hazard. Quality 1st Basement Systems injected PolyLEVEL, which lifts up concrete with a heavy-duty foam. PolyLEVEL is injected in just a few holes with no mess, and dries in 30 minutes!
The concrete outside this Scotch Plains, NJ home was sinking so Quality 1st Basement Systems injected PolyLEVEL to lift it back up into place.
This homeowner in Scotch Plains, New Jersey noticed their sidewalk was unlevel and becoming a tripping hazard for other residents. This happens because concrete is poured over backfilled soil, which settles over time and creates voids under the concrete. Our System Design Specialist, Dylan McDonald, suggested they use PolyLevel Injections to bring the concrete to a level position. Our foreman, Ramon Romero, used PolyLevel and within 20 minutes the sidewalk was safe to walk on again.
PolyLEVEL concrete lifting system was used to raise this home's porch back to its original levels. The stairs had sunk up to 4", and PolyLEVEL restored the porch.
The patio of this Jackson, NJ home had sinking concrete slabs. Quality 1st Basement Systems installed the PolyLEVEL Concrete Raising System to bring the concrete slabs back to their original level. There are no longer trip hazards in this backyard, and the homeowners are ecstatic to have their backyard be safe again!