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This Fords, NJ homeowner contacted Quality 1st Basement Systems after discovering large cracks in their patio due to the concrete area sinking and settling. Our System Design Specialist, JC Gibriano, knew our crew would be able to lift the patio and seal the cracks using our NexusPro Seal. After using PolyLevel to raise the slabs back to level, NexusPro was installed to permanently seals the joints and cracks. This system prevents water from seeping underneath the concrete slab. After the installation, the homeowner was happy to see their patio fully repaired.
A homeowner had contacted Quality 1st Basement Systems when they noticed that the concrete around their pool was settling about an inch. The homeowner could not enjoy their pool as the settled concrete had created several tripping hazards.
Systems Design Specialist, Jeffrey Pitek, suggested Polylevel after examing the concrete near the homeowner's pool. PolyLevel is lightweight and is waterproof, which made it the perfect solution. The Project Manager and his crew injected polylevel into each settled concrete slab raising it back.
Now the homeowner is pleased they can use their pool without worry about tripping hazards.
Concrete Repair Specialist, Jeff P., recommended PolyLevel to raise each individual sinking slab. Richard, our PolyLevel Foreman and his crew injected PolyLevel foam underneath the slabs, raising them back to level. PolyLevel is waterproof and environmentally friendly making it the prevent solution for this patio area.
This homeowner in Clark, New Jersey noticed their concrete patio was unlevel and becoming a safety hazard. If this goes without repair, someone could trip and severely injure themselves. They contacted Quality 1st Basement Systems where our System Design Specialist, Alvin Reed, provided an inspection. Alvin suggested they use polyurethane foam to bring the concrete to a level position. Our foreman, Ramon Romero, used PolyLevel Injections to be injected underneath the slab and into the voids. Within 20 minutes, the concrete was brought to a lifted position, and it was safe to walk on again!
A homeowner in Clark, NJ was interested in repairing their sinking concrete patio, so they contacted Quality 1st Basement Systems. Our System Design Specialist, Alvin R., inspected the patio and measured how far the concrete had sunk. He then recommended the Polylevel Injection would be the perfect repair method. Polylevel is waterproof, environmentally friendly, and takes fifteen minutes to heal. The installation is quick and does not disrupt the landscape of the home. After our poly level crew did a final cleanup, the patio was repaired, and the homeowner was very happy with the outcome!